未分類 の記事(17件)

2018 season has ended

2018 season has ended on September 10. We could end up the a season without any minor incidents. This is because of support f…


So thankful to accompany to guest's special moment

August 6 &7, I lead a family from USA. Parents and 3 children. It was their 25th wedding anniversary trip and it may be l…


Visited Mt. Fuji Sherpa exhibition


My grandfather and I visited Fujinomiya city cultural museum to take interviewed by Asahi news paper journalist. Because my g…


(日本語) アサギマダラを発見

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


Mt. Fuji descending tour with a family from Tokyo

We have so many inquiry for Mt. Fuji descending tour after showing popular TV program 『Sma Station』. August 6, a family from …


Unexpecting meeting with old friend!

I was leading a tour on July 22nd and staying in 9th station. I ran into a old friend Hayata. I had not seen him almost 5 yea…


Mt. Fuji climbing with a group of Junior high school students

July 27 &28, I lead a group of junior high school students from Osaka. It was 2 days trip on Fujinomiya trail, from 5th s…


New Friends from the Philippines


8月半ばにフィリピンの方たちのガイドをさせて頂きました。実はフィリピンでは2009年から2013年までの5年間を過ごしていた国です。私にとってはいろんな思い出の詰まった特別な国です。 I guided Philipino people in Augu…


I love to support someone's challenge!

7月末に大阪からのお客様をガイドする機会をいただきました。今回は、会社の登山旅行。希望者を募って総勢20名ほどのグループでした。 I had an opportunity to guide from Osaka end of July. It was…


The best program to know about Buddhism culture.

日本の文化を知ってもらいたい、そんな気持ちを自分はもっています。日本の文化を身近に感じることができるプログラムが富士山自然体験IRORIにはあります。 I want to provide opportunity to know about Japan…


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