宝永山&宝永火口 の記事(6件)

No operation for Mt. Fuji climbing tour & Hoei crater tour in 2020

I would like to inform you that we do NOT operate all the tours from Mt. Fuji 5th station will be close in 2020 due to closur…


Blue sky is open at 5th station

Japan encounter rainy season in June and July. The weather is one of the most important factor for outdoor tour operator. We …


The best descending TRAIL at Mt. Fuji

I would say the best descending TRAIL is Gotenba TRAIL.   Gotenba trail is created after eruption happened in 1707. The …


Closest mountain to view Mt. Fuji

Mt. Hoei is located east side of Mt Fuji. The best spot to hike to view Mt.  Fuji. He tour is available from early May. &nbsp…


Mt. Fuji walking season 2018 has started

April 12, I led first Mt. Fuji tour in 2018. The guests were Bill san and Deaolie san from Australia. They joined our tour af…


Brocken Spectre at Mt. Fuji

富士山では、時に見たこともないような現象に遭遇することがあります。先日、頂上からプリンスルートを下り、宝永火口を上りきったところで素敵な光景を見ることができました。 Mt. Fuji changes face time to time. I enco…

