11 years old boy challenge Mt. Fuji with his father

2017年8月3日 | 富士登山(5合目より上)

July 30th and 31st, we had a tour for Mr. Ogara from Nagasaki city. This time, father and eldest son challenged our tour.


Mt. Fuji tour came true because of strong request from SHO. He is only 11 years old.


Yusuke led this tour....I should have better photo to post on blog... Sorry Yusuke...

I supported only 2nd day.


They successfully reach the peak! We are slightly late for sunrise but the awesome blue sky was waiting for them.


We descend through Gotenba trail. The sandy trail is easy and fun to go down...


It was very foggy but we could view Hoei crater clearly.

We safely descended and arrived at 5th station before noon.


ShO mentioned that he enjoyed this tour and momorable moment for his summer vacation.

Dad and SHO, thank you for choosing our tour. Yusuke and I were so glad to be your guide for 2 days!


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