Mt. Fuji walking season 2018 has started

2018年4月16日 | 宝永山&宝永火口

April 12, I led first Mt. Fuji tour in 2018.

The guests were Bill san and Deaolie san from Australia.

IMG_7151They joined our tour after doing 11 days tour on Nakasendo with Walk Japan.


It was wonderful weather and visibility was superb. It was a little cold but it is better to view under such condition.

IMG_7168There we're still some icicles along trail.

IMG_7154After reaching above tree line, 360 degree open view was waiting for them.


This is my favorite view from Futatsuzuka. It is the best spot to view Mt. Hoei and Mt. Fuji together.

IMG_7160They seemed to enjoyed a lot! I hope I can bring wonderful tourbfor our guests in year 2018 as well!

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